Graduate Student Petition form : You must save a copy of the pdf to their desktop, then complete your portion of the petition and save. Students should send the petiton with supplemental documents to your Deapartment Coordinator. The Coordinator will route the petition though Docusign for all signatures including the student. For Dean's Office signature, please send to
When the student indicates the reason for the petition on this new form, the form will automatically update to indicate any supporting documentation that must be included with the petition. All of the supporting documents must be attached to the petition form before the Graduate Office will sign and forward to SOGS. Only complete forms will be forwarded to SOGS.
The Registrar's Office must receive completed petitions by 4:45PM the Thursday before a SOGS meeting in order to ensure that the petition will be reviewed at that meeting. Petitions received after this deadline will be held until the subsequent SOGS meeting.
M.A. Thesis Committee form : Use this form to get committee members signature.
Master's Program Form : Completion of this form is required to graduate. Please follow instructions on the form carefully. DO NOT USE an Email Alias for signers or authentication will fail and will not go to the proper signers. Please add Terri Hamlin, as the Coordinator and Brian Fife, as the advior/department authorization. You will receive a copy of the form once it is signed.
The Master's Program Form should be completed at Pre-Registration for the final semester and handed in before your final semester of classes begin.
MA Paper or Thesis Intake :See this form for the different expectations between the research paper and the thesis.
Thesis Timeline Template : Use this form to keep on track with your thesis deadlines.